Marketing strategies and tips for any budget can be successful provided you use the right strategies. Having unlimited marketing dollars does not guarantee clients will engage. Successful marketing requires you to know your ideal client and what they truly want. You need to know the problems they want to solve, how they define value and how they want to receive information. This is the key to marketing, no matter what size budget you have.
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All posts tagged niche market
Getting Results with Niche Marketing
by Tiffany MarkarianOne of the biggest challenges with niche marketing is getting results. There could be a variety of reasons for this, but most often it is due to approaching the market the wrong way. There are a few ingredients that need to happen to find success with niche marketing, not just in the short-term, but for a long-term sustainable approach for your business.
Read More“Final Four” March Madness Marketing Strategies
by Tiffany MarkarianIt’s March Madness and we are sharing the “Final Four” marketing strategies for financial advisors and insurance professionals There are a plethora of marketing strategies and tools available, but when you try to execute them all, things can get haphazard. We are sharing the “Final Four” tactics that should be part of every effective marketing or business development plan.
Read MoreThe Do’s and Don’ts of Strategic Alliances
by Tiffany MarkarianStrategic alliances can give you the opportunity to expand into new markets, access resources, or share referrals to clients. A well-structured alliance may help you grow faster by leveraging each other’s capabilities. Without proper due diligence; however, a strategic alliance could have the opposite effect. It is critical to consider the do’s and don’ts of strategic alliances prior to engaging in any relationship.
Read MoreIs Your “About Us” Page Interesting?
by Tiffany MarkarianIf a client or prospect reads your “About Us” page will they think it’s interesting? Your “About Us” page is one of the most important pages on your website. It shows who you are and why people should engage with you. As you craft your company website, social media pages or professional bio, you always want to engage people with the work you do and the value you provide…that’s your core. It’s easy to forget; however, that your team is made up of interesting people. These are the people who your prospects and clients will be interacting with. You want to appeal to your clients’ curiosity. You can make your “About Us” page more interesting and engaging by sharing what makes you and your team…you!
Read More3 Ways to Replicate Your Best Clients
by Deborah NelsonImagine what your business would look like if you replicated your best clients. You push hard to accomplish goals and improve efficiency, but when you are in a service-oriented industry, such as wealth advisory or insurance, it becomes harder to maintain a high level of personal service. That in turn, makes it harder to grow your overall business.
Read MoreLetting Go of Less Than Profitable Clients
by Tiffany MarkarianA tough decision many firms face is whether or not to let go of less-than-profitable clients. It comes down to the business model you want for your future. Some firms will work with any client who wishes to take positive action in their lives, regardless of their profitability to the firm. This can be a successful model, but it may require increased overhead, technology or staff to support the service needs long-term. On the other hand, letting go of less-profitable, lower-tier clients may allow you to provide a more boutique experience for your “A” clients and high-potential relationships and give you time to focus on markets that are appropriate for your business.
Read MoreFinding a Good Center of Influence Relationship
by Tiffany MarkarianOne question many financial advisors will ask is “How do I get more referrals from my centers of influence (COIs)?” or “How do I go about finding a good center of influence relationship?” It is enticing for financial advisors to expand their network but many soon realize setting up a strategic alliance or a professional COI relationship does not automatically turn on the flow of referrals. There needs to be a marketing and business development strategy in place, clear expectations, and proper due diligence.
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