Creating a “wow” or VIP experience for clients is about building your business around the client. It is going above the expected and delivering the unexpected. Every interaction a client has with you is part of their experience. They are observing you, listening to what you say, and scrutinizing every interaction. They are assessing what they are paying for and the value that is being delivered. Creating a “wow” or VIP experience is about delivering something clients never knew they wanted, at no additional cost to them.
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All posts tagged business development
“Final Four” March Madness Marketing Strategies
by Tiffany MarkarianIt’s March Madness and we are sharing the “Final Four” marketing strategies for financial advisors and insurance professionals There are a plethora of marketing strategies and tools available, but when you try to execute them all, things can get haphazard. We are sharing the “Final Four” tactics that should be part of every effective marketing or business development plan.
Read MoreGrowth vs. Culture: Which Side Will Win?
by Tiffany MarkarianIn the ongoing battle of growth vs. culture which side will win? First, let’s look at the problem. Many companies are watching their bottom line and seeing a pattern. Some are in growth mode; others are seeing stagnant productivity, revenues or clients. Whatever stage you are in, one circumstance facing everyone is the continual changes to client buying patterns and perceptions. Figuring your way through these challenges will determine which side wins in the growth vs. culture battle.
Read MoreLetting Go of Less Than Profitable Clients
by Tiffany MarkarianA tough decision many firms face is whether or not to let go of less-than-profitable clients. It comes down to the business model you want for your future. Some firms will work with any client who wishes to take positive action in their lives, regardless of their profitability to the firm. This can be a successful model, but it may require increased overhead, technology or staff to support the service needs long-term. On the other hand, letting go of less-profitable, lower-tier clients may allow you to provide a more boutique experience for your “A” clients and high-potential relationships and give you time to focus on markets that are appropriate for your business.
Read More3 Metrics BGAs Should Consider
by Tiffany MarkarianHere we discuss 3 sets of Brokerage General Agency (BGA) metrics firms should consider in their annual business planning. In working with BGAs on their business development, there is a set of questions that continually come up during conversations. The first question is usually “How do we go after new markets…particularly supporting wealth advisors?” The second question is often “How do we set ourselves apart in the industry?” The third question, which might be the most important, is “We had a good year, but growth has stagnated, and we are not sure why?” In this last statement, this is where BGA metrics come into play. It is your metrics that can either drive or hinder your growth, depending on which angle you look at them.
Read MoreThe New Rules for Approaching Financial Advisors
by Tiffany MarkarianThere are a new set of rules for approaching financial advisors and professionals, especially in this COVID environment. Clients are demanding more value and a better experience from their advisor. Fee compression is affecting thousands of advisors and advisory firms. Some financial advisors no longer have individual products or insurance lines as a core expertise in their practice. For instance, some advisors have insurance as an ancillary focus, if they have it at all. Some have chosen to focus on other lines or revenue. Broker/dealers and Brokerage General Agencies (BGAs) stand ready, as they always have, to solve these needs and serve as an objective, consultative resource. The advisory landscape has been evolving for decades, and broker/dealers and BGAs have to evolve their marketing and consulting offerings in turn.
Read MoreFinding a Good Center of Influence Relationship
by Tiffany MarkarianOne question many financial advisors will ask is “How do I get more referrals from my centers of influence (COIs)?” or “How do I go about finding a good center of influence relationship?” It is enticing for financial advisors to expand their network but many soon realize setting up a strategic alliance or a professional COI relationship does not automatically turn on the flow of referrals. There needs to be a marketing and business development strategy in place, clear expectations, and proper due diligence.
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