Building a powerful brand can be a competitive undertaking. Businesses will try to set themselves apart from others, but in many cases, the message is missing the mark.The problem is they tend to speak from their point of view, not the clients’.
Is Your Market Really a Market?
by Tiffany MarkarianMany businesses want to have success with finding and developing a target market. Sometimes the biggest problem is the market you have chosen may not be a true target market.
Finding Success with Target Marketing: Researching Tactics
by Tiffany MarkarianHow do you find success with target marketing? There are several factors that need to happen for you to gain results, not just in the short term, but for long-term sustainability in your practice.
The Client Experience: Discovering What Your Clients Truly Want
by Tiffany MarkarianHow do you know what your clients truly want from the relationship? There are things that should be identified during discoveries with clients to help uncover what they truly want from from you.