customer experience

All posts tagged customer experience

The Right Practices for Greeting Clients in the Office

by Tiffany Markarian

Every member of your firm is part of the client’s experiential process. Leaders and staff members who create exceptional client experiences are the professionals who rise to the top in a value-compressed environment. Once you recognize this fact, you can integrate common strategies to personalize and humanize your client experience. One of the most personal aspects of the client experience is greeting clients in the office.

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Tiffany MarkarianThe Right Practices for Greeting Clients in the Office

Surpassing Competitors in a Tumultuous Environment

by Tiffany Markarian

With everything going on right now with the market and Corona, how we interact with clients is our main competitive advantage. To be a first-class winning organization, you need to know how to serve your clients’ emotional needs, not just their economic needs. When we have an exceptional and elevated experience, it stays with us. This is the key to surpassing competitors in a tumultuous environment.

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Tiffany MarkarianSurpassing Competitors in a Tumultuous Environment

9 Steps for Managing a Client Complaint Gracefully

by Tiffany Markarian

Every interaction a client has with you is part of their client experience. Not every contact is positive, and sometimes there will be a negative experience or client complaint. It is everyone’s job to be prepared and above all else, protect the client experience. An upset client is never fun, but if you avoid the conversation, deflect or shy away from the responsibility of the situation, it will only escalate. Escalated complaints can quickly lead to a public relations issue, legal or regulatory consequence.

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Tiffany Markarian9 Steps for Managing a Client Complaint Gracefully

The Art of Client Etiquette

by Tiffany Markarian

Client etiquette is your manner of professional conduct. It exemplifies the image and expectations clients have when doing business with you. Whether you are a top executive or a new hire in the office, clients will be observing and assessing you. They are watching every and all aspect of their experience. Good or bad, they are formulating opinions and judgments about what they see. If you want to elevate your client experience, it begins with the right practices for client etiquette.

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Tiffany MarkarianThe Art of Client Etiquette